Thursday, July 26, 2012


This weekend we went to Addo and we spent four days exploring that beautiful area.  The first day that we were there we went to a big cats breeding place and I got to pet a full grown Cheetah!! We walked in to its enclosure and pet it, not on a leash or anything.  It was amazing.  We also got to play with lion cubs!! It was super cool! We went to a reptile place after which was also pretty cool, and we got to hold snakes. 

The next day we drove around Addo Elephant Park and got to see tons of elephants roaming wild and they came super close to our car! We also saw 3 buffalo super close to our car along with tons of warthogs, Kudu, and zebra.  It was an awesome day.  
The day after we went on this hike/walk where we ended up at a waterfall and there were a few of us, including me, that climbed under it and slid down the rocks through it.  Keep in mind that it is winter here so the water was absolutely freezing.  But it was fun and you have to do as much as you can while you are here.

The last day we went canoeing down the Sundays River and had a blast.  It is South Africa’s fastest rivers, however it was not very fast at the portion we were at, however it was still beautiful and canoeing is always awesome.  However, I managed to canoe Sally (my awesome roommate) and I in to an Acacia bush.  Please google the Acacia bush, it has massive thorns, and over the four days in Addo, me and that bush became the best of friends, and I still have scratches.

Overall, this experience was freaking amazing and it was wonderful to see yet another beautiful part of this country. 

Erin Fitz

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