Saturday, June 30, 2012

Settled at Rocky Road!

We are all settled in to Rocky Road and jeez it is beautiful here! I am sleeping in a tent that is on a covered platform, but there are beds and electricity in these tents.  It is super nice.  The area around here is absolutely beautiful, like I do not know how to describe it, it is so beautiful.  I do not think I will ever get used to the wildlife here though, whenever you go to the bathroom or are walking back to your tent you have to check to make sure that there are no baboons, ya not kidding, freakin baboons.  Yesterday a few of us got up early and ran and on the way we saw baboons, cows, horses, tons of monkeys and a dog.  It was intense, those little monkeys are not nice at all!!

We visited the village of Kurland, where we will be working and it is going to be great to be there.  There is quite a bit of poverty however they are not solitary, it is a community.  It would be like my own neighborhood back home, but with different living accommodations. 

This place is so indescribably beautiful. We went on a hike today and saw the most gorgeous beaches and just surrounding area that it is amazing. 

I have so much to say and yet it’s so hard to describe it. 

Erin Fitz

P.S.  Good luck on your swim today little Fitz. I love you and I am sure you are going to kick butt!

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